A student, Mohammad Ali Mohammad, asked me the following question:
1. Try to use the word immediately by creating your own sentence. Say it aloud. Don't just read the word from a book or a dictionary. Saying the words aloud is very powerful for memorization.
2. Make a word list and study the same words every few days until they are imprinted in your mind.
3. Google the word to see how it's used in different contexts.
4. Have a dictionary. (not just an online dictionary, but an actual book) When you learn the meaning of a new word, underline it. Then, once in a while scan your dictionary looking for the underlined words and check to see if you still remember the meaning. It's a nice way to see your own progress. I used this method with learning French. It was so exciting to look through my dictionary and to see how many words I didn't know just six months before. It encouraged me to keep learning and to become fluent.
Do you readers have any other suggestions?
i think the best way to memorize vocabulary is learning a word using a sentence ...learning a single word is the worst thing to improve your english cause you've got no idea how to use it correctly
Thanks for the tricks .. Nowadays googleing word is very helping :). Et votre français, votre vocabulaire s’enrichit :)
Hello Lisa!
I just want to express my great admiration for your work as a pronunciation instructor in my opinion you are the best. I have been using your DVD's and book and they are very useful and detailed. However, I have a question for you? I have been watching your DVD's and practicing the exercises in the book but I am not sure how I can measure my progress and how much more I still to practice until I achieve my goal. Do you have any suggestions?
(I would loved to go to your academy for a private class but I live in Illinois)
Carlos Rodriguez
Hi Carlos,
I now teach on Skype. A few lessons would be very helpful to you. I can give you feedback on which areas you still need to work on.
Best regards,
Lisa Mojsin
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